ポッコ・ソーシャル社は、ゾーイ・ローダミルク=オッペンハイムの展覧会「Coming Out of the Fog」を開催いたします。
Coming Out of the Fog』は、中国から養子に出され、イギリスで育った8人の女性の人生を記録したもの。養子縁組された女性の視点から語られるこのプロジェクトは、一連のポートレート、インタビュー、記録写真で構成され、彼女たちの個々のストーリーを探求している。
Pocko Social is proud to announce, Coming Out of the Fog, a forthcoming exhibition of Zoe Lowdermilk-Oppenheim to showcase the creative and visual communication designer’s debut publication and ongoing project under the same name.
Coming Out of the Fog documents the lives of eight women adopted from China and raised in the United Kingdom. Narrated from the adoptee perspective, the project consists of a series of portraits, interviews and archival photographs exploring the individual stories of these women.
Due to the One-Child Policy in place between 1980 to 2015, Coming Out of the Fog also interrogates the adoption journey within China, particularly for baby girls who have suffered a higher risk of abandonment due to societal pressures favouring sons over daughters.

Feeling an urge to investigate her own adoption experience which triggered the project, Zoe’s aim is to create a platform for Chinese/British adoptees to have their voices heard while creating a safe space for non-adoptees to learn without judgement. Started during her final year at London College of Fashion and in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, Zoe’s solo exhibition with Pocko Social will feature photography alongside direct quotes from the subjects, wall maps and copies of the publication available to purchase at the gallery.
Zoe Lowdermilk-Oppenheim is a visual communication designer, born in China but based in London for almost all her life. Her practices include photography, creative direction, and design. Her passion is to use the power of visual communication to challenge conventional assumptions and help others to see the world differently. Zoe’s projects are based on her own multi-cultural upbringing and focus on the issues of social identity and sustainability, exploring the creative balance needed to generate progress in these fields.
Through Pocko Social, we aim to work with social issues in mind, using art and creativity to bring about positive change and support charities, foundations and institutions that are tackling social emergencies at hand.
"Covid "時代にアジア系コミュニティに対する人種的攻撃が増加したことで、彼女は「自分の中国系コミュニティと奇妙に、そして悲しくつながっている」と感じるようになった。この感覚は、今年卒業したロンドン・カレッジ・オブ・ファッションの最終学年に、信じられないような、感動的で美しい作品を創作する道へと彼女を導いた。彼女は中国の養子縁組制度に関する本を読み始め、世の中に出回っている資料のほとんどが養父母の視点から語られているという事実に衝撃を受けた。「中国とイギリスの養子縁組をした人たちの声を聞くためのプラットフォームを作りたかったのです」と彼女は振り返る。
– It’s Nice That
“The increase in racial attacks on the Asian community during Covid left her feeling “strangely and sadly connected to my Chinese community”. This feeling set her on a path to create an incredible, moving and beautiful body of work during her final year at London College of Fashion, from which she graduated this year. She began reading books about the Chinese adoption system and was struck by the fact that most of the available material out there was told from the perspective of the adoptive parents. “I wanted to create a platform for Chinese/British adoptees to have their voices heard,” she recalls.”
– It’s Nice That