イラストレーター、サイモン・ランドレインによる新しい展覧会「I don't get it...」がPocko Galleryで開催される!スクリーンプリントされた意味不明なショートコミックの数々が展示されます。ポッコ・ギャラリーにて2020年2月まで開催!
— Simon Landrein
Pocko Gallery hosts ‘I don’t get it…’ – a brand new exhibition with Illustrator Simon Landrein! On display are a selection of screen printed short-comics that don’t seem to make a lot of sense…. On at the Pocko Gallery until February 2020!
Taking the medium of short-comics, Simon dissects the obscurity of everyday life and commonplace nuances with playful wit and humour. Making us realise that our daily lives are often diverse and anything but normal.
“These short comics are pieces of stories glued together with humour, sadness, laughter and horror. They might be a simple joke from the pub or a total nightmare that makes absolutely no sense.”
— Simon Landrein
“…But they may also bring just enough confusion to simply ask ourselves, ‘why?’. Most of them are close-ups of ourselves as humans, a mirror that only frame certain parts of us.”
Simon’s work is identifiable through his use of bold lines and simple shapes that depict absurd and cheeky scenery of our often ubiquitous lives, translated into comics and animations. This minimalistic storytelling approach gives a unique insight into his creative work and practice.