サイモン・ランドレインによる新しい美しい作品は、街中いたるところにあり、アップルの新しいキャンペーン 「made by Ipad」のために、まもなくマルセイユの街も彩りました。
IPAD Proと第2世代のApple Pencilだけで描かれたシモンのダイナミックなイラストは、私たちが固唾をのんで見守っているようなさまざまなスポーツを、小気味よいひねりを加えながら紹介しています。
The Olympics have arrived in Paris with triumphal fanfare, between the guillotined Mary-Antoinette and the highly trained professional swimmer taking a swan dive in the Seine, many a surprise have the Parisians seen, happening right under their very eyes in their beloved city.
New beautiful work by Simon Landrein, are all over the city too, and coming to Marseille soon for Apple’s new campaign “made by Ipad”.
Drawn entirely with the IPAD Pro and a second-generation Apple Pencil, Simon created dynamic Illustrations, showcasing various sports, some like the ones we are all watching compete with bated breath, adding to them a cheeky twist.
In Simon’s humorous illustrations, a climber’s limbs get too long and all mixed up in a knot, and in Chatelet les Halles, right on top of a classic bistro, a break dancer in a bright jumpsuit gives an extravagant performance. Many more illustrations are to come as the artist worked on what amounts to 23 Posters, all to be enjoyed on a summer walk around the city.
それ以来、彼は多くのクライアントと仕事をし、彼のイラストレーションをホットで不条理なアニメーションとして表現しています。クライアントには、Marvis、The New Yorker、Birkenstock、NYT、Apple、Nike、Ooops、Le Monde、Rick and Mortyなど。
Simon Landrein is a French illustrator and animator. He started to work as a 3D artist for studios such as Nexus and the Mill. For a few years his minimalist and irreverent style appeared in the New Yorker and NY Times.
Since then he’s been working for many clients and translate his illustration into hot and absurd animations. Clients include Marvis, The New Yorker, Birkenstock, NYT, Apple, Nike, Ooops, Le Monde and Rick and Morty.

Simon shared with us that the tricky bit was figuring out how to work with a more limited color palette in this project. With digital, he says, his usual color palette is full of very bright colors that he then balances out with duller tones. It creates very harmonious and eye-catching pieces. But with printed assets, there is the very simple and factual reality that ink can’t reach that level of brightness. He had to adapt and find a new balance between his wants, and the reality of the production.
Balance that he definitely succeeded in finding. His posters are playful, bold, and a celebration of the amazing sport disciplines that exist.

Following their barnstorming in-store activation in 2017 Apple invited their favourite creative collaborators to appear in character on the walls of stores worldwide. Michela Pichi‘s hugely successful in-store and interactive program for Apple’s Cologne store was a celebration of pride and encompassed artwork on the walls, workshops led by Michela and stickers that were free download at the App Store.
“It was great to work with the Apple family again and be included in the collage of favorite artists they worked with” – Michela Pichi
The global 2017 Apple in-store campaign which was activated across 250 stores worldwide won big at the Cannes Lions, taking home the Grand Prix. We are very proud that Michela was part of a well deserved win!
今年のプライド・ケルンに合わせて、アップルはドイツのケルンにあるシルダーガッセ店で、インクルージョンと多様性を祝う一連のイベントを開催した。 アップルはミケーラ・ピッキに、iPad ProとPro Createを使ってアートワークを制作し、「Liebe ist Liebe」というテーマを解釈してほしいと依頼しました。このアートワークは、魅力的なタイムラプスビデオにアニメーション化され、プライドの祭典の間、ストアの巨大スクリーンで放映されました。
Diversity is more than any one gender, race, or ethnicity. It’s richly representative of all people, all backgrounds, and all perspectives. It is the entire human experience.
To coincide with Pride Cologne this year, Apple held a series of events that celebrated inclusion and diversity at their Schildergasse store in Cologne, Germany. Apple wanted Michela Picchi to interpret the theme Liebe ist Liebe, by creating an artwork using an iPad Pro and Pro Create. The artwork was then animated into a fascinating time-lapse video, playing on the store’s huge screens during the Pride celebrations.
“Love is the most intense and highest emotion we can feel. Love as a feeling has no genders, no exclusion and definitely no preferences.”

ミケーラはその後、Today at Appleのイベントの一環として、ストアでトークとワークショップを行うために招待されました。聴衆は、ミシェーラのキャリアや創作過程について詳しく聞くことができ、ミシェーラのかわいいウサギの描き方の秘訣を学ぶことができた。
ミシェーラはまた、Appstoreで入手可能な素晴らしいステッカーアプリも制作した。スマイリーハートからカラフルなハート、ハッピーバニーまで、彼女の美しいイラストが、プライドや日常で使える24種類のキュートなステッカーになった。こちらからLiebe is Liebeアプリをダウンロードして、iMessageで愛を分かち合いましょう!
Michela was then invited to give a talk and a workshop at the store, as part of the Today at Apple events. The audience had the opportunity to hear more about Michela’s career and creative process, and got to learn the secrets on how to draw Michela’s cute bunnies.
Michela also created a wonderful stickers app, available on the Appstore. She turned her beautiful illustrations into a series of 24 cute stickers for people to use during the Pride and everyday, from smiley hearts to colorful hearts and happy bunnies. Share the love in your iMessage by downloading the Liebe is Liebe app here!