Pocko was approached to develop the branding and the communication tools for a new concept of NY style pizzeria opening the first branch in downtown Nasushiobara. Pocko’s own Marco Oggian fit the brief perfectly with his strong yet friendly graphic style and emphasis on character illustration.
A logo and typeface were created and then our Creative Director, Nicola Schwartz flew out with Marco where they designed and painted the walls of the pizzeria. Check out the story below:
店名(Mad Perros Pizza)は料理とは関係なく、メキシコ人ではなく日本人であるクライアントのエスプリを反映したものだ!このエスプリを表現することは、ピザとロックンロールへの愛を表現することであり、子供向けの雰囲気でありながら、若い大人も十分にクールであることを意味する。
The name of the restaurant (Mad Perros Pizza) has nothing to do with the food but is a reflection of the ethos of the client who is Japanese, not Mexican! Capturing this ethos meant expressing a love of pizza and rock-n-roll but with a kid-friendly vibe that was also cool enough for young adults too.

“Mad Perrosはピザを売るのではなく、退屈な日常からの脱出を提供するものです。ポッコはそのコンセプトをよく理解し、クリエイティブな結果は私たちの予想をはるかに超えるものでした。”
“Mad Perros is not about selling Pizza, its about providing an escape from the boredom of daily life. Pocko understood well the concept and the creative results are far more than we ever expected.”
— Marco Oggian
“Through the mural, I wanted to represent the true essence of the Mad Perros project –a company that does not just sell pizza. There is a real concept and philosophy behind it all and I think I was able to capture this and illustrate that vision on the walls.”
— Marco Oggian