アルマーニは2022年5月、サローネ・デル・モビールの「アルマーニ/カーザ」展示会を宣伝するためのCGIコンテンツを依頼するためにポッコを訪れた。私たちはPockoのアーティストShy Studio、通称Misha Shyukinにこのクリエイティブな仕事を担当するように勧めましたが、彼は期待を裏切りませんでした。
Armani came to Pocko in May 2022 to commission CGI content to promote their Armani/Casa, Salone del Mobile exhibition. We recommended Pocko artist Shy Studio a.k.a. Misha Shyukin to take on the creative feat and he did not disappoint.
Armani’s special Armani/Casa’s exhibition at the Milan-based industry event was divided into 8 environments exploring various materials, textures and designs which serve as the main sources of inspiration for their furniture collection.
Shy Studio created 9 animations for the exhibition, each one representing a section from the Armani display. The videos range from a room inspired by the Chinese zodiac year of the tiger to a sailing ship symbolising travel across cultures and time.

Shy Studioの巧みなコンポジションと驚異的なレンダリングを示すスチール写真。ミーシャ・シューキンは、彼の特徴であるモダンで上品なスタイルで、甘美なテクスチャー、ダイナミックなカメラアングル、革新的なライティングを駆使し、アルマーニの時代を超越したエレガンスに命を吹き込んだ。
Stills illustrate Shy Studio’s slick compositions and incredible rendering. In his signature modern and classy style, Misha Shyukin brought to life Armani’s timeless elegance using luscious textures, dynamic camera angles and innovative lighting.
Shy Studio’s treatment of fabric, textures and light really celebrate the spirit of elegant design at the Salone del Mobile
Armani used the videos on their social media during the Salone del Mobile to promote their exhibition and the Armani/Casa furniture.
— Valerio Lo Mauro, Digital Producer, Giorgio Armani S.p.a.
“Shy Studio was able to develop and translate our iconic design into an abstract and dreamy environment. Lights, textures, and materials create a unique experience that exalts our shapes and design.”
— Valerio Lo Mauro, Digital Producer, Giorgio Armani S.p.a.